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Título: Difusora de Macapá: memórias da rádio pioneira do estado
Autores: MONTEIRO, Jacimara Cordeiro Castro
CANTANHEDE, Janderson Carlos Nogueira
Orientador: PIRES, Paulo Vitor Giraldi
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Tipo de Documento: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Citação: MONTEIRO, Jacimara Cordeiro Castro; CANTANHEDE, Janderson Carlos Nogueira. Difusora de Macapá: memórias da rádio pioneira do estado. Orientador: Paulo Giraldi. 2022. 98 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Jornalismo) – Departamento de Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em:.
Resumo: Discorrer sobre a importância de um veículo de comunicação, é de fato, algo de suma responsabilidade, e sobre esse meio, ser o primeiro a existir, por si só, narra uma grandiosa memória a ser explorada através de estudos. Assim sendo, este trabalho de conclusão de curso se refere à rádio pioneira do Estado do Amapá, a Rádio Difusora de Macapá, apresentado na forma de projeto experimental ao curso de Jornalismo. Esta pesquisa se instrumentalizou de entrevistas para elaboração de rádio documentário e apresentar narrativas e memórias que devem ser parte da construção de um bem tanto material como imaterial, dada a importância resgatada através de métodos como a entrevista de personagens que vivenciaram um tempo dentro dessa história. Evidências reais estas que estão ligadas à sociedade e acrescenta referenciais para a comunicação amapaense e para a comunidade acadêmica. As entrevistas com personalidades que resgatam em suas memórias, que fizeram /fazem parte do processo de construção, junta-se aos pilares de conhecimento para produção científica. E o que se apresenta é um passo que deverá ser contínuo, com resultados que devem sugerir novos caminhos. Certamente a contribuição do material apresentado, assim como a produção radiofônica, deverão ser instrumentos esclarecedores relevantes, sobre a importância de uma rádio pioneira. Sua trajetória desde a década de 1940 do século passado até hoje, como mediadora de fatos e notícias, propõem privilegiada visão de transição em meio às novas plataformas.
Abstract: Discussing the importance of a vehicle of communication is, in fact, something of great responsibility, and about this medium, being the first to exist, by itself, narrates a great memory to be explored through studies. Therefore, this course conclusion work refers to the pioneer radio station of the State of Amapá, Rádio Difusora de Macapá, presented as an experimental project to the Journalism course. This research was based on interviews for the elaboration of a radio documentary and to present narratives and memories that should be part of the construction of both material and immaterial goods, given the importance rescued through methods such as the interview of characters who experienced a time within this history. Real evidence that is linked to society and adds references for communication in Amapá and for the academic community. The interviews with personalities who rescued in their memories, who were/are part of the construction process, join the pillars of knowledge for scientific production. And what is presented is a step that should be continuous, with results that should suggest new paths. Certainly the contribution of the material presented, as well as the radiophonic production, should be relevant clarifying instruments, on the importance of a pioneer radio. Her trajectory since the 1940s of the last century until today, as a mediator of facts and news, propose a privileged vision of transition in the midst of the new platforms. The interviews with personalities who rescued in their memories, who were/are part of the construction process, join the pillars of knowledge for scientific production. And what is presented is a step that should be continuous, with results that should suggest new paths. Certainly the contribution of the material presented, as well as the radiophonic production, should be relevant clarifying instruments, on the importance of a pioneer radio. Her trajectory since the 1940s of the last century until today, as a mediator of facts and news, propose a privileged vision of transition in the midst of the new platforms. The interviews with personalities who rescued in their memories, who were/are part of the construction process, join the pillars of knowledge for scientific production. And what is presented is a step that should be continuous, with results that should suggest new paths. Certainly the contribution of the material presented, as well as the radiophonic production, should be relevant clarifying instruments, on the importance of a pioneer radio. Her trajectory since the 1940s of the last century until today, as a mediator of facts and news, propose a privileged vision of transition in the midst of the new platforms. with results that should suggest new paths. Certainly the contribution of the material presented, as well as the radiophonic production, should be relevant clarifying instruments, on the importance of a pioneer radio. Her trajectory since the 1940s of the last century until today, as a mediator of facts and news, propose a privileged vision of transition in the midst of the new platforms. with results that should suggest new paths. Certainly the contribution of the material presented, as well as the radiophonic production, should be relevant clarifying instruments, on the importance of a pioneer radio. Her trajectory since the 1940s of the last century until today, as a mediator of facts and news, propose a privileged vision of transition in the midst of the new platforms.
Palavras-chave: Rádio
País da Instituição: Brasil
Fonte do Documento: Via SIPAC
Aparece nas coleções:Jornalismo

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